Saturday, September 22, 2012


As promised, here is a fun, fall freebie!! It is a quick and simple Fall Scavenger Hunt in French to be done with students in Kindergarten to Grade 3. I have used this many times with my Core French students to help practice colour and fall-themed vocabulary. A good follow-up activity is to do a small oral presentation about what the students found particularly difficult to find or what their favourite object they found was. This way, they are practicing reading and word recognition as well as oral language! Click on the picture below to go to my Teacher's Notebook shop and download this activity for free!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Les pommes!!!

Hello les amis du blog !!
Just a quick little post to let you know about my apple-themed unit posted on TPT. This unit is a mini math and literacy unit for SK and Grade 1 French Immersion. It will also soon be posted in English as well.

   Check out my TPT product description:
A mini Math and Literacy Unit that is apple themed and perfect for Senior Kindergarten and Grade 1 and perfect for fall literacy and numeracy centers. This unit is comprised of:

-(as always) a How to Guide of how to use the activities in this unit
-a Word Search
-a Letter Recognition games
-an Apple Graphing Activity
-a Number Word Match
-an Apple Taste Test Activity
-Writing Prompts
-Math Word Problems
-Patterning and Sorting Activities
-and much more!!

**The zip file has Word files and PDF files so that formatting and fonts are not compromised. Some clip art by KPM Doodles.

I hope you enjoy! Check back soon for more freebies!!

XO Jessica

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Back to School Resolutions (and Fall Freebies!)

Hello bloggies! I'm not sure if it's just the teacher in me or if it's something that many others feel as well, but September for me is a time of rejuvenation. I look at it as a time to start fresh; a clean slate for a new school year. I am more likely to make (and undoubtedly break) resolutions in September than I am in January. I always feel very ambitious in September and I have a million new ideas and plans and goals. And since they say that one is waaaay more likely (ya those are my kinda stats) to keep the resolutions that they make if they share them with others, here I go. This school year, I resolve to...

1)       Blog on a weekly basis.

After a long break from blogging because life got too busy, I have decided to be a better blogger. Oh wait, too vague. As our school board would say: my goals should be measurable so I vow to blog one time per week for the next 6 months.

2)    Join linky parties.

I’m not even really sure how this is done, but I’m gonna do it!!

3)     Figure out pinterest

I love pinterest, I use it all the time, but I don’t really get it…. Is that weird?

4)    Find balance

My big goal this year is to find a better work, life balance. I will posting lots of new units on my TPT site, working like crazy at school to make sure my Grade 1 students are engaged, excited and learning, learning, learning, but I am also a wife, sister, daughter, friend, and pet-parent and those things are so important. I am going to try to come to school quite early and leave right after work and aim to *wait for it* not do any prep or marking at home! (Hey- stop laughing. It can be done… I think.)

5)     Post freebies!

I love when the amazing teachers of the blogs I follow post freebies on their blogs or on Teachers Pay Teachers. I am going to start posting lots of freebies to pay it forward. I know these things can be invaluable to new teachers and I love to share.

No time like the present to start sticking to my resolutions so here are a couple of fall themed freebies.